What’s happening @SESD

16th April 2023 – Its Show term!

Welcome to our blog, We are having a ball preparing for our Dance show ‘Believe in Dance’ which is being held locally at The George Lawton Hall in Mossley, July 2023. Its always a bit of a crazy time, sorting costumes, preparing the dances and theres so much more to it that people don’t see. We have amazingly supportive parents at the school and we are lucky enough to have those who are going above and beyond the call of duty and applying to get their official Chaperone Licences! Its an experience, but an important one.

Because its show time we have to stop taking in new students. If you’d like to come along to see the show then please keep a look out for when the tickets go on sale. I’ll be posting the link right here in the blog. But for now, we are accepting requests for a waiting list for free taster classes during August 2023. Please sign up via the link below and we look forward to welcoming you soon.


Sarah England